Free Issue Tracking Templates: Software, Product, Production, and Customer Issues

By Kate Eby | May 20, 2019

Below, you’ll find highly effective free issue tracking templates, including customizable templates for project and product managers, information technology (IT) personnel, customer service representatives (CSRs), and your customers.

Included on this page, you'll find a variety of issue tracking templates, including a simple issue tracking template, an issue tracking template list, a project management issue tracking template, a project issue tracker template, and many more.

Simple Issue Tracking Template


Simple Issue Tracking Template

Download Simple Issue Tracking Template

Excel  | Google Sheets | Smartsheet

Use this simple issue tracking report template to standardize your project team’s issue reporting process. Enter the unique issue ID, the status, an overview of the issue, the category (e.g., mobile, website, hardware, etc.), the priority, who the issue is assigned to, the date, and any additional comments. Download this template for a one-off, unique instance, or save it as part of a larger document for project or product management, quality assurance (QA), or development so that you can track several instances of issues — and keep tabs on the process and progress of resolving them.

This reusable template is available in Excel as an individual issue tracking template and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Additional Issue Tracking Templates

Issue Tracking List Template


Issue Tracking List Template

Download Issue Tracking List Template

Excel  | Google Sheets

This issue tracking list template is designed for companies that want to provide their project management team members with a document that includes space for comprehensive details. This way, project managers can quickly review each issue, determine if it’s a risk to the project, and work with development to resolve it. This template provides you with column details for the following:

  • ID: Enter a unique number for the issue (for future reference).
  • Project: Select the name/number of the project from the Project drop-down list.
  • Description/Summary: Add an easy-to-understand description of the issue (e.g., “Need someone to complete documentation for the final deliverable”).
  • Issue Type: Include any details related to the type of issue (such as a release backlog, beta, production, software version, etc.), so anyone reviewing the information can easily glean the relevant factors and work toward resolving it.
  • Status: Specify the status of the issue using the Status drop-down list (e.g., requested, planning, complete, on hold, approved, in progress, complete, etc.).
  • Priority: Select a priority for the issue using the Priority drop-down list (e.g., critical, high, medium, low, etc.).
  • Action Required: Describe the action required to resolve the issue (e.g., “Draft a welcome email and send to marketing for approval”).
  • Owner: Enter the name of the individual on the project team who owns the issue, or select that person from the Owner drop-down list.
  • Date Created: Enter the date that the issue was reported.
  • Due Date: Enter the date that the issue must be resolved in order to meet the project’s deliverables.
  • Date Closed: Enter the date that the issue was closed/resolved.
  • Remarks: Add any remarks related to this issue for your project team.

This reusable template is available in Excel as an individual issue template and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Project Management Issue Tracking Template


Project Management Issue Tracking Template

‌ Download Project Management Issue Tracking Template - Excel

This project management issue tracking template is a perfect fit for project managers who want a detailed, all-in-one tracking system for issues. The template offers a dashboard view, so you can keep tabs on the details and see the big picture. Dashboard information includes the following: the project name, department, and project owner; details on the issues’ status (not started, in progress, or closed) and priority; and status tallies and their percentages.

In the template, enter all the details of the issues regarding discovery, department, priority, initiator (reporter), status, date opened, date closed, and any other pertinent points. Once you’ve filled out the form, developers will be able to review and prioritize the issue, then quickly reach resolution.

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Project Issue Tracker Template


Project Issue Tracker Template

Download Project Issue Tracker Template 

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Use this simple, project-specific issue tracking log template to document a project’s path, key risks, and key issues. At a glance, your developers will be able to assess what’s at risk and what are the project’s issues, then begin fixing them. Here are the details to fill out:

  • Project Manager: Enter the name of the project manager responsible for the project.
  • Project Sponsor: Enter the name of the senior manager sponsoring the project.
  • Project Start Date: Enter the project’s start date.
  • Project End Date: Enter the project’s end date.
  • Project Description/Scope Statement: Enter a description of the project and details related to the project’s scope.

Enter project-specific details in the Project Path, Key Risks, and Key Issues column drop-down lists as follows:

  • Title: Enter an issue title describing the issue, or select a title from the Title drop-down list.
  • Owner: Enter the name of the individual on the project team who owns the issue, or select that person from the Owner drop-down list.
  • Due: Enter the date that the issue is due, or select the date from the Due drop-down list.
  • Status: Enter the status of the issue using the Status drop-down list (e.g., not started, in progress, complete, etc.).

This form is available in Excel, Word, and PDF.

Product Issue Tracker Template


Product Issue Tracker Template

Download Product Issue Tracker Template

Excel  | Google Sheets | Smartsheet

Designed with product-related issues in mind, this tracker template gives you the ability to factor in all pertinent details associated with a product issue. Fill in the following details: issue number; issue name; department; priority; initiator (who reported the issue); status; date opened; date closed; and description. Using the details included in this template, your developers will have the information they need to resolve the issue.

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Issue Tracking Log Template


Issue Tracking Log Template

Download Issue Tracking Log Template

Excel  | Google Sheets

This issue tracker template allows you to enter all the information that’s relevant to a project-related issue. Once you’ve entered all the information, your engineers can begin to remedy the issue. This simple form is unique in its inclusion of all major fields you’ll need to track an issue. It gives you the ability to detail the following information, so engineers can triage the issue and fix it as soon as possible:

  • #/ID: Enter a unique number for the issue (for future reference).
  • Issue/Title: Enter a title to describe the issue.
  • Type: Include any details related to the variety of issue (such as a release backlog, beta, production, software version, etc.), so anyone reviewing the matter can easily glean the relevant factors and development can address the problem.
  • Priority: Select a priority (high, medium, low, etc).
  • Opened By: Select the name of the person who first encountered and reported the issue.
  • Opened On: Include an explanation of the issue and the date it occurred.
  • Closed On: Include additional details to describe the issue.
  • Closed By: Select the name of the person who closed the issue once it was resolved.
  • Notes: Add any other remarks related to this issue.

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Issue Report Template


Issue Report Template

Download Issue Report Template

Excel  | Smartsheet

Use this comprehensive issue report template designed specifically for use by all employees at your company. When you want to track issues that may affect product quality and on-time delivery, use this template to view them in a simple dashboard format, so you can see at a glance the factors contributing to the majority of problems.

The issue report template provides you with sections for overdue issues and unassigned issues, and it allows all employees at your company to access the fields they need to log an issue, including the following:

  • Assigned To: Enter the name of the person assigned to ensure the issue is resolved.
  • Target: Enter the target date for resolving the issue.
  • Product Name: Enter the product that the issue affects.
  • Priority: Select the priority (e.g., critical, high, medium, low, etc.) for fixing the issue.
  • Summary: Enter a brief summary of the issue.

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Customer Issue Tracking Excel Template


Customer Issue Tracking Template

Download Customer Issue Tracking Excel Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Track customer-specific issues in a unique Excel template that enables you to stay apprised of your open/closed ratio and keep your projects running smoothly. This easy-to-fill template provides editable drop-down lists for each field. In each column, list the issue’s name, type, criticality, initiator (who first reported the issue), status, date of creation/reporting, date of closing/resolution, and any additional relevant details.

This reusable template is available with drop-down list fields in Excel, Word, and fillable Acrobat PDF.

IT Issue Tracking Template

IT Issue Tracking Template

Download IT Issue Tracking Template

Excel  | Google Sheets | Smartsheet

As an information technology (IT) team member, you’re the backbone of any project effort. Without IT personnel to keep operations running optimally, you could miss deadlines, fail to release products, and put your company’s overall credibility in jeopardy. That’s why it’s important to have the right issue reporting tool at your fingertips. Without a centralized method to track issues that flow through IT, there’s no way to ensure that you’ll prioritize those issues correctly and resolve them in a timely manner.

This IT issue tracking template — available in Excel, Word, PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets — is the perfect way for any member of your IT team to log and fix an issue as expediently as possible.

Select or enter the following issue details, assign the issue to a team member, and start tracking the issue’s progress until resolution:

  • Seq: Enter a unique number for the issue (for future reference).
  • Issue Name: Enter a clear, brief title to describe the issue.
  • Originator: Enter the name of the person who reported the issue.
  • Submit Date: Enter the date that the issue was reported.
  • Area: Include details about the environment (such as browser, operating system, URL, software version, etc.) that allow IT people reviewing the issue to easily glean the contributing factors and fix the issue.
  • Module Name: Enter the name of the module where the issue was discovered.
  • Description: Enter an easy-to-understand description of the issue (e.g., “QA scanner isn’t working; they can’t do their required testing”).
  • Priority: Select a priority (e.g., critical, high, medium, low, etc.) for the issue.
  • Status: Select the status (e.g., new, in progress, open, closed, etc.) of the issue.
  • Business Impact: Enter details on the issue’s impact on your business (e.g., “Until QA has their scanner fixed, they can’t give the thumbs-up to launch”).
  • Expected Resolution Date: Enter the date that you expect to resolve the issue and not risk deliverables.
  • Assigned To: Enter the name of the employee who is responsible for ensuring that the issue is fixed.
  • Suggested Solution: Enter suggestions that might help resolve the issue (e.g., “Contact the manufacturer of QA’s scanner — they should have a local mechanic who can fix it ASAP”).
  • Progress: Enter details on the progress you’ve made toward resolving the issue (e.g., “Contacted scanner manufacturer; repair folks should be here on the morning of 4/23”).

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Sample Issue Tracking Template

Sample Issue Tracking Template

Download Sample Issue Tracking Template

Excel  | Google Sheets

Track the impact on your business and product performance with this easily fillable issue tracking template. Fill out the columns with details regarding the type, priority, open/close dates, and personnel who opened and closed the issues. Enter detailed notes that provide members of your product, project management, QA, development, and customer service teams with the behavior, status, and expected time frame for resolution.

This form is available in Excel and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

How to Log and Track Issues: Best Practices

Issue tracking is critical to product and project management. Whether a customer service representative, a member of QA, product or project management, a developer, or even a client discovers and logs the issue, you need an easy way to provide enough detail, so you can queue up the issue, keep tabs, and resolve it.

How do you log and track these issues? Your organization needs assurance that if you log these issues thoroughly and assign them to the right individuals, you’ll resolve them within a reasonable period of time. That’s why you need the right issue tracking template: to ensure that you continue to deliver quality products on time and keep your customers happy.

Choose a free template in one of the following formats to immediately start logging the issues you find:

  • Acrobat PDF
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Smartsheet

Once you’ve downloaded an issue tracking template in your preferred format, fill in the following fields:

  • #/ID: Enter a unique number for the issue for future reference.
  • Issue/Title: Enter a title to describe the issue.
  • Type: Include any details to identify the type of issue (such as a release backlog, beta, production, software version, etc.), so anyone reviewing the issue can easily glean the relevant factors, and development can address and fix the issue.
  • Priority: Select the project priority (high, medium, low, etc.).
  • Opened By: Note the person who first encountered and reported the issue.
  • Opened On: Provide an explanation of the issue and the date it occurred.
  • Closed On: Provide additional details to describe the issue and the date it was closed.
  • Closed By: Note the person who closed the issue once it was resolved.
  • Notes: Enter additional remarks related to this issue.

Improve Issue Tracking with Smartsheet for IT & Ops

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.




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